Fans are shocked after learning HARRY STYLES has probably cut his long hair, noting how similar its is to how it was styled in Dunkirk.
I want to put my hands in Harry Styles's hair. There, I said it. Long-term One Direction fans would physically fight me for the honor, but I'm sure any human being with a functioning sense of touch would gear up for a fatal battle upon seeing that silky head of curls. Even if you aren't a fan of the 25-year-old singer's music, you've likely heard epic tales about his hair. Whether he's growing it long, chopping it all off, or merely letting it exist, it sends people of all backgrounds into a frenzy — take a scroll through TikTok, where you can't go three swipes without seeing his face or hearing his voice, and you'll see what I mean.
And just like Styles himself, his hair has gone through several changes since he entered the spotlight on the The X Factor UK in 2010. A sucker for the evocative and never one to shy away from experimentation, Styles's hair has gone through a number of, well, styles — some more iconic than others — and the world has tracked and fawned over every single one of them.
Because it's almost time for curtain call on the decade that made Styles's hair famous, I'm charting its entire evolution and the effect it's had on the world. I might be an extremely biased source, seeing as I've been caught with a Styles-themed phone background on many occasions, but anyone could agree with this evidence that this guy's hair is objectively perfect anyway. Scroll down to see what I mean.

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